The Art of Transmutation

The Art of Transmutation

– It consists in transforming the Self
– The Spirit wishes to find us
– Those who seek never go astray
– The heart is the home of Truth
– We are more sought than seekers
– God plays hide and seek like a child
– We receive clues from the spiritual world
– From ignorance to enlightenment
– The essence of the magician is transformation
– How to reach the perfection of the Self
– “Pray, read, read, read, read, reread, work and you will find”
– Every Great Work begins with small works
– The result is “the gold of the thousandth morning”
– Do not let yourselves be swept away by the violence of the waves
– There are human beings who have reached fullness
– The Voice preaches in the desert of an open mind
– Light is information and darkness, the lack of it
– Inner uncertainty is the door to wisdom
– How to transmute human lead into philosophical gold
– Magic will only return with the return of innocence
– The power of the magician is Love, not the control of people
– The greatest good you can do to the world is to set yourself free
– Ignorance of God is the greatest of human evils
– The adventurer is always accompanied by insecurity
– If you are not in love with your path, you will never be successful
– Darkness will leave you when you achieve transmutation
– He who wants to be seen is not visible to the eyes of the body
– Wisdom is measured by the amount of doubts one has
– Enlightenment is attained after many years of hard work
– But there are beings who achieve a shortcut with the help of the Creator
– We are living the final battle of light against darkness
– Combine the powers of that which is above and that which is below
– The alchemists had to transmute their Soul before the metals
– Separate the Earth from the Fire, the subtle from the gross, and you will win glory
– The reality we experience is the reflection of our expectations
– When the inner world is mastered, the outer world can be mastered
– Fulcanelli called them “unknown brothers of the mysterious city of the Sun”
– Good will triumph when no more atrocities are committed on the planet
– When the gates of perception are opened, we begin to see the invisible world
– New codes have been transmitted to the cells of our being while we were sleeping
– The evil of ignorance floods the whole earth and corrupts the Soul imprisoned in the body

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